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Internship at CJSW

From May 10th to August 2nd of 2022, I was offered and took the role of Podcast Assistant at CJSW to fulfill my program required internship hours. During my time at CJSW I had the opportunity to help with a number of podcasts and projects, most of which are showcased on this page, or on

CJSW Original Podcast Ads
One of the major projects I worked on was creating and overseeing the production of ads for each of the CJSW Original podcasts and spoken-word shows running on the station and their website. All of the CJSW Original Ads on the station were written and reviewed by me before being uploaded for live radio use, and I produced these three myself (CJSW Originals, Echo Chamber, and Somebody Date Jenn and Kyle).

CJSW Orginals Ad
Echo Chamber Ad

Identifying Canadians (Podcast)
One of the podcasts I created during my time at CJSW. We were invited to record the audio from the panel Identifying Canadians: Canada Day Through the Eyes of BIPOC, and I was tasked with creating a stand-alone podcast episode from the recordings. Click the picture below to listen to the podcast on

Recordings from the Siksika Health Fair (Podcast)
One of the podcasts I created during my time at CJSW. We were invited to record the audio of the keynote speakers for the Mental Health Awareness Day at the Siksika Health Fair. After collecting the audio, I was tasked with creating the first of three podcast episodes for a series showcasing the speakers, and creating a cover graphic. Click the picture below to listen to the podcast on

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 12.21.45 PM.png

Live Radio Show-fills
After I was show trained at CJSW 90.9 FM, I was able to fill in as a host for two shows;
Breaking Techniques (the show I was trained on) and The Dog House (Live at Calgary Folk Fest 2022).
Here are the recordings of the live shows:

The Dog House
(July 23rd)

Breaking Techniques (July 24th)

Misc. Productions
Various other audio productions I created for CJSW including a Friends Card Ad for Kaffeeklatsch,
and Monthly Segments covering topics like Indigenous Awareness,
Venues & Festivals in Calgary and upcoming segments on Mental Health Awareness.

Jack Singer
Tips for Mental Health
Kaffeeklatsch Ad
Bill Reid
Moonstone Creation

CJSW Sled Island 2022 Live Series (Video Edits)
Video edits I completed for CJSW's Sled Island Live Performance Series
(Releasing soon on CJSW's Youtube and will be linked below!):

Coming to CJSW's Youtube soon!

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